Media Center Mission and Philosophy

Basic High School Mission Statement:
Basic High School challenges students to pursue their individual learning goals while preparing themselves for the future.

The mission of the Basic High School Library Media Center is to provide a collection of diverse materials and resources that will assist in the implementation, enrichment, and delivery of the curriculum in a manner that fulfills the school’s mission to challenge students to pursue their individual learning goals while preparing themselves for the future.

Basic High School believes that a student’s right to learn is an inherent right derived from the U.S. Constitution.  The school also believes that in order to insure that right, it is the obligation of the school and staff to provide the best possible resources for its students.  The school sees the media center and its collection as a key element to insuring that our students have those resources they need to learn.  To that end, the school and media center subscribes to the following documents which define those “rights to learn” on the part of our students and the role of the librarian in providing the resources for student learning.  The school and media center used the following documents as the basis for developing the school’s Collection Development Policy and Philosophy which serves as the basis for the management of the school’s media center collections.

It is also the mission of the Basic High School library to provide an environment to all students that is vibrant and a reflection of the student of the Twenty-first Century.  To that end it is also the mission of the library to create what is known as "Independent Learners."

  1. Clark County School District Policy Statement of Educational Principles
  2. Nevada Department of Education Board Policy on Library Education
  3. Pitstop Statement on the Value of Library Media Programs in Education
  4. The Role of the School Library Media Program
    (See Basic High School Media Center / Library Policy Manual)

About the Basic High School Library Media Center:

  • The print/book collection currently contains over 12,000 volumes with an average age of 2002.
  • The library's Fiction Section is organized by Genre` as opposed to Dewey in order to facilitate student book selection.
  • The library subscribes to over 20 magazines.
  • The library receives 1 newspaper.
  • A wide variety of electronic resources and databases are available on the computers in the library via the library’s homepage.
  • There are currently 70 student computers in the library that have access to the Internet.

Basic High School Library Media Center Policies:

The Library Media Center is the place to come and study, do research, and to gather and process and share information.  To facilitate this process the following policies have been put in place to help you learn and will be strictly enforced:

  • That you will always be considerate of the other students working in the library.
  • Game-playing on the computers is allowed before and after school and on Fridays.
  • Classes booked into the library during class time have first priority on the library computers & resources.
  • Passes in the to the library written in the student agenda are required and all students must sign into and out of the library.
  • CCSD and BHS Acceptable Use Policies are  strictly enforced.

Circulation & Printing Information:

  • Book Checkouts:
    Students may check out up to 3 library books (including reference books) at a time.  The circulation period for each checkout is 4 weeks or 20 school days.   Students may come in and renew their book(s) for  another 2 weeks at any time if needed.  Students with fines on library or  textbooks from BHS or any other school in C.C.S.D. must clear those fines before  being allowed to check out books from the library.

                 **The fine for overdue books is $ .10 per day.

  • Textbooks for student check-out are housed in the back of the library and students may come in and check out textbooks for their classes at will.  All textbooks will be due back into the library the day before final exams at the end of the school year.
  • Document Copying:
    The copy machine is located by the reference desk and copies are $ .10 per page. See the librarian or his assistant to make copies.
  • Printing from the Computers:
    Printing homework assignments to be turned in for a class (with proper formatting - name, teacher name, date, etc.) and ParentLink grades / missing assignment printouts, college, job and scholarship applications are always in color and are free.   All other printing from the computers such as research from the Internet and personal printing is $ .05 per page.  All documents over 10 pages are $.05 per page over the first 10 pages.
        - All printouts are in color
        - Printouts are picked up at the reference desk.
    **All Federal Copyright Laws are strictly enforced."

Basic High School, C.C.S.D., Nevada and Basic High School Databases & Relevant Information:

The Basic High  School library is a fully automated and web-based library system and is a part of the greater Clark County School District’s Union Catalog which links our library with all of the other school libraries in C.C.S.D.  As a result of this district-wide modernization, all transactions such as searching for books and checking out materials are done over the Internet.  All of the computer web browsers in the library now default to the library's homepage where students will find great research resources, the school's databases, and other valuable educational & career information.  The data base links are accessed from the library’s homepage.  User I.D. log-in information and passwords may be obtained from the librarian at the reference desk and are available in the library brochure.